Yanran Gao
This topic is Mukbang. Mukbang actually come from Korean word means eating video.
I want reflect two affairs through this assignment. One is food waste, the other is the harm brought by the development of short video and social media.
Although Mukbang is start in Asia but also popular in America. YouTuber eat as much as they can in front of camera to get more follower. But the fact is they maybe swallow the food, citing the puke scene while the editing the video. According to the press we know America rank first in wasting food in the whole word. Which nearly 60 million tons each year, 40 percent of food supply, worth 170 billion dollar. And the amount of food can help two African countries get rid of hunger.
The other thing is this assignment is a irony. Some YouTuber try stupid thing just for eyes catching. I ask Brenda wear a weird chicken costume and eat weird food. In the social media if you want get more attention you must rely on exciting and novel image to entertainment audience. Susan Sontag mentioned about sensory numbness in her book <On Photography>. It means so many crazy images stimulate our senses every day can not only numb our senses, but also our morals and emotions. For example when some shocking image that only appear in the news like plane crash, now repeated everyday in our normal life, it will lose the original power.